Who would have thought I'd have to learn the language of those cheese eating surrender monkeys!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My home away from home

This is Emily, she is my teacher, and is pretty funny. Class goes by really fast and there is only one other student with me at the beginner level, so we get lots of attention. I love it.

This is where I live, Avenue de Bougainville, on the second floor. I am staying in a small 2 bedroom flat with Henriette, who is a 65 year-old Quebecoise. I would say Canadien, but they like to distinguish here, they want to be their own country.

This is Henriette preparing the fish for dinner. She is a fantastic cook, and I am eating really healthy. I also walk to class every day and it takes about 45 minutes. So...maybe I will loose some weight while I am here as well...


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